Here are a few of the most popular episodes below. Please navigate to for a full listing of episodes.
The Hardanger Fiddle: Lynn Berg and Rachel Nesvig
The hardanger fiddle (hardingfele) is the national folk instrument of Norway. What makes this unique instrument different from a standard violin, in construction and sound? Join me as Lynn Berg, one of the best hardanger fiddle luthiers (violin makers) in the USA, walks us through what it takes to make a fiddle and how he came to be a luthier. Then Rachel Nesvig, the talented and accomplished musician who plays a Berg fiddle, tells us her story in becoming a freelance hardanger fiddler and much more. Rachel plays the tune ?Gamle Erik? for us.
The House That Ron Loge Built: The Stabbur
The centerpiece of every farm in Norway was always the storehouse, or stabbur. The food stored during summer and fall in this humble log and stave building was what got people through the long, cold winters every year. They were built so well, many are still standing 300 years later. Join us as we l hear the story from a man who built his own version in the mountains of Montana, and learned to carve the portals just like the stave churches of old. We also hear a song played by the Nordahl Grieg Spelemannslag.
Folktales of Norway and Sweden
Join us for an exploration of Nordic folktales, why we value them, and how they define the cultures from which they come. We hear two of the most beloved tales of Norway and Sweden, and finish with a haunting duet of a traditional folksong from the Nordahl Grieg Spelmanslag, and one arranged by yours truly. This podcast is for all story lovers, from 4 to 104. So grab your sippy cup, latte, or hip flask and prepare to escape into the realm of adventure.
Folktales of Norway and Finland
Our first folktale podcast was so popular, we thought we?d bring you another! This time we hear a tale from Finland called The Mighty Mikko, and my son Carl Stavney is the featured guest reading the classic Norwegian folktale, The Lad Who Went to the Northwind. We also bring you a lovely accordion, mandolin, and guitar piece by the Folk Voice Band out of the Seattle Area. So take a load off and listen to some storytelling and Finnish music from old Scandinavia.
Please navigate to to hear ov er 25 additional episodes.