These are some eLearning programs I have authored professionally, in a variety of authoring tools.
Learning Objectives: Who Needs Them?
An Articulate Storyline short course on the importance of learning objectives and how to write them. The target audience includes new instructional designers, subject matter experts, and managers. I’ve added lots of practice activities for learners to reach objective-writing competency. I also designed the course to be ADA compliant with regards to readability (font and contrasting color choices) and controllable by keyboard if needed. This was designed using a 16:9 wide screen ratio to play in an LMS full-screen. Here, the course may be letterboxed to fit this webpage with the text a bit small. Click the three lines at the upper left of any screen (the “hamburger menu”) to slide in or out the sidebar.

The Competency of Critical Thinking
I was asked as an instructional designer to completely revise a 3 minute introductory course on critical thinking. I was given the script and told that part of it would include a slide or two that would be repeated in 9 other competency course programs. I completely redid the storyboard, found new graphics, created animations (especially the “competency flower” – that which repeats), and made the program ADA compliant with closed captions, keyboard controls, and audio on/off. Once I had established the course template, each course like this one took about a day to complete. This is the result.
Unconscious Bias – An Introduction
When asked to migrate an instructor-led, highly interactive 1 1/2 hour course into an online course, I worked with two learning experience specialists (trainers) to move this into Articulate Rise, trying for an interactive, dynamic environment. This this course plays best on a clean page, so click on the picture to go there.
The 5 Whys and How They’re Used To Develop a Business Case
The 5-Whys technique is often used for root cause analysis, but can help identify the root reason or rationale for moving a head with a business project. What is the “Why?”. Here, two people work to analyze why a piano should be placed in the lunchroom. Sounds silly, right? Wait until you see the reasons for it. This animated video was produced in Powtoon.